It's been a few minutes since my latest post. I've been on the Go gO go GO! all summer long...
Starting June, Brandon and I spent every weekend out of town w/ friends and family, loving every minute of it.
We spent some time in Cali for B's cousins big graduation day. We beached, we ate, and we drrooooveeee....
Chandler's graduation dinner
We had a BBQ at our place and Jr smashed Carmens masterpiece cake...
We went to the Art's fest and saw this fancy man
and we also pampered ourselves w/ pedis!
(Brando wasn't cool enough to get one) haha...
We also went to the Martinez family reunion and my Grandma and Grandpa came, my parents, Jr, Carmen, Kiesh, Tikki and Brandon and Terence...Kiesh, Ter, Brandon, Leeser and I were the only ones to put up a tent and do it the real way, everyone else stayed in cabins. Weak....
We had a lot of fun!
We did lots of other fun things this summer and still have a lot left on the list. Lots more to come with pictures!