Thursday, March 17, 2011

The "Perfect" Home

    So as I was vaccuuming my dirty apartment today (now spotless), I thought to myself...Ya know, as busy as I am, with one day off a week (usually), I can BARELY keep a tidy home. 
You know when you walk into some peoples houses and their house is always spotless?  I know you all know this.  Like, do you think that their house is always that way? Or maybe they refuse to have people over when it's even the tiniest bit messy?  Like, c'mon people, how do you always have a super duper, clean house?  Like, always?...There has got to be a "behind closed doors" look, because it sure as hell is impossible to have one of those homes for us!  We're lucky if we have 3 days of spotless.  If we only had people over when our house was spotless, then we'd have no friends haha.  However, that would be nice to "trick" people into thinking that we only live like that.  Let's be honest, it's a show.  You know it is.  And if it isn't...well more to ya!  What I don't get is when people have a kid, multiple kids, and still manage to have a clean house!  Brandon and I are are just as bad as having a few kids.  Good thing we're not at that level yet, not even close. 
Brandon and I work all day and go to school, by the time we get home, we are hungry, throw our stuff on the couch, put on some comfy clothes, make dinner (and a mess), and have a trail of clutter JUST from the time we step in the door.  After all is said and done, all we want to do is sit on the couch, watch some tv and enjoy us.  Mean while, this mess gets put off until tomorrow when we have more time.  Yet, "tomorrow" never comes and our house slowly gets messier.  We are pretty good at cleaning up a little, but I feel like with two of us, the mess multiplies, 3 times faster.  Today I started laundry and have 3 loads left.  Do you feel like you ALWAYS have laundry?  I hate it.  We have stackable washer and dryer and they are tiny, so it takes 2 cycles to wash all of our whites or darks when usually, you can get them all done in one.  On a good day (like today), when i'm able to wash everything, I then have a problem with not having enough room to put all of the clothes away.  haha...lucky for us we found a steal on ksl...
$20 bucks for this ugly little thing:

 that we are going to sand down, paint, and call it our new beautiful dresser.  I'm going to try and post pics and document as I go and then show the final product.  Yay me!
Is't it great?  6 BIG drawers...this is the answer i've been waiting for. 

Ha, maybe this will help piece together a more of a perfect home.

But most wont! 


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Mc'Ds Drive-Thru experience

Creepy worker man: "Lemme ask you a question..."
Me:  "Yeah?"
CMW: "Eh, Are those real?"
Me:  Looking super confused and shocked..."umm.  WHAT? You mean my eyelashes?"
CMW: "Yes, they are real nice, and long."
Me:  "No, they're extensions...Not many men notice that I have fake eyelashes, but thanks."
CMW:  "It's because I like you" (Creepy smile)
Me: fake laugh... heh yeah, see ya later(never!).

A- Don't ask a girl if "they" are REAL, with out specifying what you mean first.  GROSS! 
B- and what if I did have fake tata's... and then he asked that, I would have not thought he meant my eyelashes and he would have gotten a real nasty look, and a coke back in his face.  ha! 

If he would have just said, "Hey, are your eyelashes real?" This convo would not have felt creepy(until he threw out the "it's b/c I like you", nor would I have thought he was a creeper, just a nice guy. 