Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sun rise or Sun set?

So, I decided it's time to get back into the gym. 
I have taken quite the break from it and have no excuse but the truth...I am LAZY.  Sometimes getting into that routine is tough, ESPECIALLY during summer.  I would choose the pool over the gym ANY DAY.  But looking good while laying or sitting on the side of the pool is always a plus!  Unfortunately, there's only one way to do it.  Yep...
So, there are two girls in my class who work out at SLCC and they bust their butts doing it.  It's a lot easier working out with someone else so they invited me to come along and I had a lot of fun.  Esther and Grace are their names and they are the sweetest girls ever.  They moved here 9 years ago from Africa.  I interviewed Esther and after that we couldn't stop talking, we became instant friends :)  So, if any of you know of any really good work out plan, I would greatly appreciate it if you would bring it my way! 
My goal is to lose at LEAST 10 lbs.  I know, I know, you're all going to give me crap because to you I don't need to lose it, but maybe I just hide it well ;) but to ME, I could shed a few El bees or at least get toned.  I keep having to buy new clothes because my old ones are a little snug...I know that part of my problem is my job. Sitting here day by day with a cubby that tempts me to fill with food just doesn't help.  Hopefully soon, that will change.  Oh and also, I don't plan on stepping on a scale for a while because that just unmotivates me.  Maybe once a month as long as i'm stickin to my game plan.

So, as many of you may know, I drive to work around the 6:30-7:00 am time frame so I get to enjoy the sun as it is peeking over the mountains.  I'm not usually a morning person, but I really look forward to the drive to work just because of the view and how pretty it looks.  It's really peaceful, there is a nice morning breeze, all while I get my alone time in my car on my way to work.  I know this may sound lame but the feeling is unexplainable.
I also get the same feeling at the end of the day, when the sun is setting.  I'm pretty sure I love sunsets even more than I like watching the sun come up.  I don't usually drive home early enough to see the sun go down, but when I do I roll down my windows and fall in love all over again.  ahh..I'm sure the feeling is mutual ;)
Well, that's about it for this long boring post! 

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