Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I just can't wait to let you all know that I just set up our quest internet all.by.myself!!!!!!!!!  FINALLY, I don't have to wait for my slow internet on my phone to load so I can read only the first 3 blog updates as my phone can onlyl scroll up and down on the page as a whole, and not the little scrolly part to view everyones blog updates.  Ahhh... what a great feeling it is to have the internet up and running.  At first we had a small struggle trying to figure out the key phrase for the modem because it was given (kindly) to us by a friend for F.R.E.E- but I just put my brains back together and realized it was (luckily) pasted on the side of the modem (which never happends), it was a success.  Congratulations Crystal, you are a GENIOUS. 
So, on another note, we are all moved in and I can't begin to explain to the internet world of how HAPPY I am to be here!  We both love living here and always want to go home to relax!  Call me lame why dont you, but that's just how cool it is :)  So far we've had a few visitors:  The olds, Mom and Dad Barnes, Robyn, Leeser, and of course, ALL of my friends:)  (Too many to name at this time). The downfall: we've already recieved all of our bills except the gas bill haha which is weird b/c when I lived at the town house I swear those dreaded things took 2 months at LEAST!  But that's ok because i've never seen such a cheap electric bill...not trying to brag but $11.05 is pocket change and is only 5 bucks a piece!  Whoop whoop!  I could go on and on for a min because it's been a while since I've actually caught up with my good friend blogger, but i'll save that for a later day! 
So, to wrap it up, I love my home, I love the things in my home(expecially Brando), and I LOVE LOVE LOVE life.  This is the change that I've been waiting for to drop into my life and make everything ok :)

p.s-I have pictures of my whole house but you'll just have to wait!  Goodnight 



  1. Wow!! You sound so happy Cmar! I love it :) Glad everything is going so well for you! (and way to go on the internet thing...I would never be able to figure that out!)

  2. So happy for you Crystal!! And you two sound like Devin and I! Totally content with just being at home, relaxing and watching a movie!! It is the best ever!! When we finally get our own internet, I expect you to hook it up!!
